New FDA campaign offers help for OUD treatment

NCPA May 24, 2024

On May 23, the FDA launched a new campaign that aims to help primary care providers recognize and treat opioid use disorder (OUD). It’s called “Prescribe with Confidence: Patients with Opioid Use Disorder Need You,” and it aims to help you help the estimated 6 million people aged 12 or older who have OUD. Many of those people need or want treatment but have not yet received any. Research shows that treatment of OUD is most effective when medications are used—but primary care providers treating other chronic health conditions are in a key position to also prescribe medications for OUD. A DATA waiver (X-waiver), long considered a barrier preventing health care providers from prescribing buprenorphine, is no longer required. Many primary care providers find that prescribing medications to treat OUD is easier than they thought it would be. Hear firsthand testimonials and find free training and other resources to help providers get started by visiting the campaign’s webpage: And help spread the word, especially with fellow health care providers and the organizations that support them. Medications for opioid use disorder save lives.